Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cover letter/Resume

Mr. Aronofsky, Department Head
of Film/Writing Department
LACC Community College
Hollywood Sunset, CA

Dear Mr. Aronofsky

I'm a high school senior. I'm considering attending LACC Community College and majoring in film/writing. I attended a class of your teaching of film/writing last fall and I was very impressed of your work.

Could you please add me on your class. Send me any notification about your class. I'm really interested in film/writing. Thank you.

Parttime job

West Adams Preparatory High School-yes-4

Monday-9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Wensday-9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Friday-9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

A part time position as a Film/Writing assistance

Talent and interest  in working with film directors and novelists, skills filming and writing, creative mind, ability to work with others.

Self employed for 2 years as a novelist and film director.


West Adams Preparatory High School Class of 2011
4 years of writing
1 semester of film

Writing,Filming and Drawing

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fast Food Nation

Schloser opens the door with the ironic delivery of a Domino's pizza to the top secret military base, Cheyenne mountain in Colorado. He discribes various high tech capabilities of the base and it's extensive defensive system, speculating that if the worst were entumbed in the mountain anthropologists of the future would discover random fast food wrappers scattered amongst military hardware. Both suggests Schloser would give important clue's about the nature of American society. America is becoming an obese country and needs to act upon the fast food chains, the book continues with an account of the evolution of fast food and now it coincided with the advent of the automobile. He explains the transformation from countless independent restaurants into a few uniform franchises. This shift led to a production line kitchen prototype, standardization self service and fundamental change in marketing demographics from teenager to family oriented. Regarding the topic of child targeted marketing.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Juvenile Justice

Children are not even close to be adults, they're still like little babies learning step by step gaining knoledge everyday bout life. They wouldn't last one day as being an adult, first of all they don't understand the meaning of an adult nor how to be a proper adult, second is that they're not fully mature. Children are not allowed to know adult things they're not at that level to know things