Monday, June 6, 2011


   "Turn around". "Turn around, turn the car around and get the hell out of here". "Right now!" Martin drives forward to the exit. He stops before leaving the motel. Thinking what to do next, either to leave or stay.  "Don't go back." "Do not go back there." He decided to stay. Putting the car in reverse, driving it back to the building. The breaks of the car stops before hitting the building. Martin gets out of the car. Leaving the car on and the door wide open. He walks in the motel lobby to the desk searching for the room key. Looking for the key, he quickly grabs it and leaves the motel lobby. The motel owner comes to the lobby, noticing Martin is leaving with the key. The motel owner screams at him, "HEY!" "HEY!!!." Martin hops back inside to his car, driving it to the room. He stops the car at front of the room and gets out of his car. Walking to the front of the room working his way to open the door with the key. The opens, Martin see's his wife cheating on him with another man. He couldn't believe what he's seeing. Ready to burst at his wife. Screaming in her face,    "CHEATER!!!!!." Ted covers Amy with pillows and blankets. Martin turns to Ted, screaming at him. The motel owner runs inside the room. "Hey, whats going on here?!"
    Six months later has gone by. Martin is sleeping on his couch. A rudely loud knock happens at the door. Martin wakes up from his nap. Getting up from the couch with a bored look on his face. The knocking gets louder and out of control. Martin walks to the door then opens it. The man rudely talks to Martin. "You stole my story!". "Well?!" Martin replies back. " I'm sorry, I don't believe I know you". " I know that, that doesn't matter I know you Mr. Rainy thats what matters you stole my story", said the man. Martin is getting confused of whats happening. " I'm afraid you're mistaken". The man shows Martin his story. " I don't read manuscripts", said Martin. The man holds up his manuscripts.  " You read this one already". " You stole it!" Martin is getting a little agitated by the man. He simply tells the man, " I can assure you I". The man rudely interrupts Martin. " I know that, I know you can  I don't want to be assured". Martin is getting frustrated.  " If you want to talk to someone about some grievance you feel you may have, you can call my literary agent in New York".

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